3 Revised Prophecy Books

I’m glad to finally get these books revised and ready for sale. I know you will be pleased with them. You owe it to yourself to be prepared for what’s ahead!

(Back Cover)

          The Rapture of the church has been one of the most controversial

          subjects in Christendom. But it need not be. This book shines a light

          on the clear, biblical evidence of the pretribulation Rapture. Its ten

          chapters are arranged in three parts.   

  • In part one important groundwork is thoroughly investigated,

paying close attention to a study of Daniel 9, and also to the

distinctive of both the church and Israel.

  • In part two we examine over seventy biblical references to

show that there are two phases to His coming: 1) the rapture of

the church and 2) His glorious appearing.

  • In part three we narrow the score of our study to show

why the Rapture must come before the Tribulation.

This book was originally published in 2017, but now it’s better and cheaper. Get it at Lulu.com for $13.46

(Back Cover)

You may suppose that this book is all about the events of the Tribulation. Not so. It is believed by many scholars that from the Rapture to the Tribulation there will be a significant period of time, anywhere between three and one-half years to as many as ten years, which will be needed to set up all the very important events of the Tribulation. This is the time period that is covered in this book.

In the first few chapters, the immediate effects of the Rapture will be laid out, along with a very interesting chapter on the different theories that will emerge as an explanation of the disappearances. Then, in the middle of the book, the author goes on to lay out how the world will be in a rush to set up a global government and a global religion. And, of course, we will talk about the Antichrist: what his involvement will be and how he will appear to the world before and during the Tribulation.

In the last two chapters the discussion will turn to heavenly events, mainly the judgment seat of Christ and the Marriage of the Lamb.

This book is basically the same with a new cover. Buy it at Lulu.com for $13.50

(back cover)

I am convinced that many writers and teachers have done immeasurable damage to the truth of The Tribulation. They have mixed it all up and filled it full of so much symbolism that any normal person would be utterly confused. In this book I have attempted to make The Tribulation more understandable; that you will clearly see its source and purpose, its devastating nature, and its clear chronology of events. I think you will also appreciate that I have looked at not only the book of Revelation, but also have brought into focus key Old Testament passages, as well as a few New Testament verses, that clearly speaks of The Tribulation.

I’m sure you have heard of “build back better” that certain world leaders are intending to enforce. Well, they will fail. But there will be a Christian build back better coming soon, and The Tribulation will be the start of it. This world will be destroyed and a new world put in its place; a world governed by Christ Himself.

This is the most recent book with a new cover. Get it at Lulu.com for $14.50.

Creek Rising

It’s nice to see the water rising in the creek; a sign of fresh rain.

Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;
make music to our God on the harp.
8 He covers the sky with clouds;
he supplies the earth with rain
and makes grass grow on the hills.
9 He provides food for the cattle
and for the young ravens when they call.
Psalm 147:7-9

Update: Painting, Plodding, and Praying

I am a retired painter, but people continue to call me for work—so I agree to do it. As long as I am able and willing I’ll do it. But I feel a bit weaker in body and mind. Much prayer is needed!

I’m reading more now. I like especially reading the short biographies of famous preachers—or should I say preachers that were great for God, like George Whitfield, Charles Simeon, and Christmas Evans (the one I read about today). This reading is a great encouragement to me and is a great supplement to the bible.

I am plodding along in my writing. I’m writing a book now on heaven. I have finished the outline; now I’m taking one point at a time and putting words on paper and then on the computer. Soon I will break it up into blogs so you all can see it before the book comes out.

I’m struggling with diabetes—trying to keep my blood sugar down. For someone who loves food (like me) that’s hard. I’m supposed to exercise everyday too. I’ve decided to walk everyday—about 2 miles. I don’t mind it. I use the time for prayer, meditation and also photography. The days here (in Minn.) are starting to get warmer so that will be good. And if it rains I’ll walk in the mall (not as good). Well, sighing off.

Ps. Prayers for Israel and Ukraine people. Always praying for Donald Trump—so unfair! Prayers for all people everywhere—to resist the temptation of the flesh and the evil world, until the Savior comes!